Nikkei Publishing – OceanBridge released NXPowerLite Desktop 9′ in Japan (Japanese page) 2021-11-10|Articles
Yahoo Japan news – OceanBridge starts selling ISL Online for Azure (Japanese page) 2019-07-03|Articles
Yahoo Japan news – OceanBridge starts selling NXPowerLite for video (Japanese page) 2019-06-28|Articles
Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun – Brava for FileServer which enables full-text search 2019-04-05|Articles
Nikkei xTech Active – released Brava for FileServer′ by OceanBridge in Japan (Japanese page) 2019-03-13|Articles
EnterprizeZine – released Brava for FileServer′ by OceanBridge in Japan (Japanese page) 2019-03-13|Articles
Nikkei Publishing – released Brava for FileServer′ by OceanBridge in Japan (Japanese page) 2019-03-12|Articles
Yahoo Japan news – released Brava for FileServer′ by OceanBridge in Japan (Japanese page) 2019-03-12|Articles
Nikkei xTech Active – NXPowerLite will be compatible with Mac OS in Japan (Japanese page) 2018-10-23|Articles
Nikkei Publishing – NXPowerlite will be compatible with Mac OS in Japan (Japanese page) 2018-10-23|Articles
Yahoo Japan news – NXPowerlite enabled Shimizu Corporation to reduce time cost by 30% (Japanese page) 2018-09-19|Articles
ZDNet – NXpowerLite SDK enabled SHIMIZU CORPORATION to reduce its time cost by 30% (Japanese page) 2018-09-19|Articles