

▼気象・気圧と頭痛との関係:頭の知恵袋 Doctors Blog 医師が発信するブログサイト






にほんブログ村 病気ブログ 白血病へ  にほんブログ村 病気ブログ 悪性リンパ腫へ  にほんブログ村 病気ブログ 脳腫瘍へ 


  1. 十分に気をつけて下さいね。私は抗がん剤の投与を終了してから一年は「自分はまともではない。注意しないと」と自分に言い聞かせてきました。回復が目に見えてくると、自分でも油断するのですよね。お気持ちは分かります。

  2. こうちゃん361さん、いつもコメントありがとうございます!

  3. 実は私は病気になるまで「完全主義者」で有名でした。「自分がいないと始まらない」と信じ込んでいました。でも病気になって、それは全くの自惚れだったと気づきました。その意味では病気は私を大きく成長させてくれました。私が「この病気になったことを誇りに思う」と本気で胸を張れるのは、その意味です。これは米国の自転車選手のランス・アームストロングさんの受け売りですが、本気でそう思います。

  4. 私も同じような考え方だったのですが、まさに病気を経験して変わりました。本当に、病気になってよかったと今では思っています。大病くらいのインパクトがないと自分は変われなかった、ということだと思っています。

  5. はじめまして、高山さん 体調はいかがですか?テキサスからのコメントです。私の主人(アメリカ人)も3月13日2012年に脳の手術をしました。左の視野が殆ど見えません。新聞を読んだり雑誌を読んだりするのも大変そうです。調子の良い時と悪いときがあるようです。悪い時は精神的にも凄く落ち込みます。高山さんのようにもっと前向きになってほしいです。もちろん私も全力で応援します。

  6. Nozomiさん、テキサスからのコメントをありがとうございます!ご主人も脳の手術をされて視野が狭まっているとのこと、ご心配のことと思います。近いうちに僕が独自で取り組んでいるリハビリについて、このブログでまとめようと思っていますので、多少でも参考になれば・・・と思います。主にPCのExcelを使ったリハビリです。

  7. 高山さん ありがとうございます。PCのExcelのリハビリ楽しみにしてます。本人はせっかちな性格+完璧主義なので今の自分の状況が許せずいらいらしているようです。反対に私は超がつくのんびり屋なのでいつも彼になぜ君はそうのんきなの?と言われます(笑)先日MRIをとって、結果良好だったのでホットしてます。Drからも(もっとポジティブに考えてください。)と言われてしまいました。本当そうですよね!

  8. My name is Mike. I am Nozomi’s husband. If i write to you in English, can you understand me?
    You are a very brave man. I hope that I can be as brave as you, and have an attitude as good as yours.
    I hope that you can answer my note.
    Thank you.

  9. My name is Mike. I am Nozomi’s husband. If i write to you in English, can you understand me?
    You are a very brave man. I hope that I can be as brave as you, and have an attitude as good as yours.
    I hope that you can answer my note.
    Thank you.

  10. Nozomiさん、リハビリ記事の件、しばらくお待ち下さいね。せっかち+完璧主義なご主人の気持ち、僕もよく分かります。でも僕の場合、そこは焦ってもしょうがないと割り切っているので、エネルギーが独自リハビリ開発の方に向いているという(笑)

  11. Hi Mike,
    I’m surprised to see a blog comment in English (first time for me!), but now I understand that you are Nozomi-san’s husband!
    Fortunately, I can read and write in English 😉 I am a president and CEO of a software company called OceanBridge in Tokyo. My company is working with several software/cloud computing companies in the U.S. and Europe, and localizes their solutions and sells them in the Japanese market. That’s why I have no difficulty in communicating in English 🙂
    By chance, my friend in the U.S. (the president of my business partner) told me the same thing – “You are brave”. But it is very interesting that only you and he told me that, and none of my Japanese friends told me so (brave), and they told me “You had such a hard time…”, “You did well…”, “I hope you recover soon…”, etc. I think it is one of a cultural differences. Seems very interesting to me! Now I like the word “brave” very much, and I also like the U.S. culture to use this word!
    I hope to share my practice of rehabilitation of visual impairment in the near future. I cannot find my time to write a blog entry on this topic… but I will write. I hope you will find it useful!

  12. Hi Nori,
    Thank you for answering my note. It is good to talk with a man that can understand my situation.
    I am happy that you like my word brave. I think that you are brave.
    I have a question. Do you ever see colored (red-white-blue-yellow objects floating in front of you when you are trying to see. I know that the things are not there, but with my eyes I see them.
    Do you see better on some days than you do on other days. For me, my vision is better on some days that on other days.
    Does your Doctor think that someday your vision will be normal again?
    Do you know other people that have the same problems that we have with our vision? I do not know anybody else that has experienced what we experience.
    Thank you again very much for answering my note. I hope it is not a problem for me to ask you these questions. I hope that we can become “internet” friends.
    Mike Lundberg (from Corpus Christi, Texas)

  13. Hi Nori,
    Thank you for answering my note. It is good to talk with a man that can understand my situation.
    I am happy that you like my word brave. I think that you are brave.
    I have a question. Do you ever see colored (red-white-blue-yellow objects floating in front of you when you are trying to see. I know that the things are not there, but with my eyes I see them.
    Do you see better on some days than you do on other days. For me, my vision is better on some days that on other days.
    Does your Doctor think that someday your vision will be normal again?
    Do you know other people that have the same problems that we have with our vision? I do not know anybody else that has experienced what we experience.
    Thank you again very much for answering my note. I hope it is not a problem for me to ask you these questions. I hope that we can become “internet” friends.
    Mike Lundberg (from Corpus Christi, Texas)

  14. Hi Mike,
    I imagine that your case is something similar to an “afterimage”. In my case, in following several weeks after the surgery, when I walked around the hospital and came back to my bed, I saw an old man passing by on my left. He passed me by when I was walking around, but his image was coming back again when I came back to my bed. It was an afterimage. I told this to my doctor, and he said “It is a good sign. Many patients who recovered from visual impairment experienced such afterimages.”
    Brain dislikes a blank. If there is no image in my left-side vision, it tries to fill in the blank by using old images. I am not sure, but in your case, your brain is creating (or borrowing) new objects to fill in the blanks. Recently I see no afterimages because of gradual recovery of my vision.
    My vision is still recovering everyday and I feel it. So as same as you, on somedays I see better and the other days not.
    My doctor did not tell me that my vision will recover 100%, but he told me it will be better, but it takes months or years. I am practicing my vision rehabilitation, and my vision is still recovering. I see more now, comparing to three months ago.
    My doctor always tells me that he would like to apply my rehabilitation to other patients who is suffering from the same visual impairment from brain surgery. I do not now anybody in person, but he said there are many such patients.
    It is not a problem for me that you ask questions! Of course we can become friends! If you are using Facebook, we can connect there, too!
    Best regards,

  15. Hi Nori,
    Thank you for continuing to answer my notes. Yes, I have the same kind of “after images” that you have. But I also see colored objects, like baloons or balls floating in front of me. I know that they are not there, but my mind sees them.
    I wish that we could find other people that have the same vision issues that we have. I think that it would be beneficial to be able to share experiences with other people that have had some of the same experiences that we are having.
    I would like to be able to correspond via Face Book, but we tried to find you there, but could not. I think that method would be faster than on the “blog.”
    You can find me and my wife on Face Book at: Nozomi Lundberg Like you, she has an account there.
    I think that is is wonderful that you have given so much of your time to maintaining your blog, and devoted so much effort to trying to understand the loss of vision that resulted from brain surgery. I know that the information that you provide on the blog has helped me, and Nozomi. I am sure that it has helped other people as well, even if they have not provided comments.
    I hope to hear from you on face book. And, I hope that you and your family have a very nice weekend.
    Stay strong Nori. You are an inspiration to me.
    our friend,
    Mike Lundberg, from Corpus Christi, Texas

  16. Hi Nori,
    Thank you for continuing to answer my notes. Yes, I have the same kind of “after images” that you have. But I also see colored objects, like baloons or balls floating in front of me. I know that they are not there, but my mind sees them.
    I wish that we could find other people that have the same vision issues that we have. I think that it would be beneficial to be able to share experiences with other people that have had some of the same experiences that we are having.
    I would like to be able to correspond via Face Book, but we tried to find you there, but could not. I think that method would be faster than on the “blog.”
    You can find me and my wife on Face Book at: Nozomi Lundberg Like you, she has an account there.
    I think that is is wonderful that you have given so much of your time to maintaining your blog, and devoted so much effort to trying to understand the loss of vision that resulted from brain surgery. I know that the information that you provide on the blog has helped me, and Nozomi. I am sure that it has helped other people as well, even if they have not provided comments.
    I hope to hear from you on face book. And, I hope that you and your family have a very nice weekend.
    Stay strong Nori. You are an inspiration to me.
    our friend,
    Mike Lundberg, from Corpus Christi, Texas

  17. Hi Nori,
    I tried to answer your latest note 2 aays ago. I just discovered that it did not post to your blog.
    In the note, I said that I hope that you and your family have a nice weekend. I also wrote that you are an inspiration to me.
    I said also that I wish that any person that has had the same experiences that you and I have had with our vision problems, would write on the blog and share the experiences I think that all of us could get encouragement from others that have had this situation, and experienced improvement over time. I know that in my life, some days it feels impossible to continue to fight this problem, but I know that I must.
    We tried to find you on face book, but could not. We can be located with my sire’s name:
    Nozomi Lundberg
    I do hope that you have had a nice weekend, and that I hear from you again soon, either on here, or face book.
    Your Friend,
    Mike Lundberg from Corpus Christi, Texas

  18. Hi Nori,
    I tried to answer your latest note 2 aays ago. I just discovered that it did not post to your blog.
    In the note, I said that I hope that you and your family have a nice weekend. I also wrote that you are an inspiration to me.
    I said also that I wish that any person that has had the same experiences that you and I have had with our vision problems, would write on the blog and share the experiences I think that all of us could get encouragement from others that have had this situation, and experienced improvement over time. I know that in my life, some days it feels impossible to continue to fight this problem, but I know that I must.
    We tried to find you on face book, but could not. We can be located with my sire’s name:
    Nozomi Lundberg
    I do hope that you have had a nice weekend, and that I hear from you again soon, either on here, or face book.
    Your Friend,
    Mike Lundberg from Corpus Christi, Texas

  19. Hi Mike,
    I’m sorry that I was not so responsive during the weekend. On this blog all the comments posted should be approved by me before they become public. I found Nozomi-san on Facebook and send friend request. Just in case, you can also find me at http://www.facebook.com/takayama
    It is great to hear such a nice comment of you for my blog. It encourages me to continue blogging!
    Best regards,
